Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

Other Sponsors

Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsorship - $20,000
- Opportunity to present a plenary lecture to the full conference on a relevant technical topic of your choice
- Exhibit stand with opportunity to display brand signage and demonstrate products
- A web link from the FOCAPO-CPC 2023 homepage to your company’s website
- First choice of opportunity to print logo on the conference promotional item
- Company’s brochure in registration materials
- Three (3) complimentary standard registrations to the conference
- Your company’s name as a “Platinum Sponsor” will be prominently displayed on a banner
Gold Sponsorship - $15,000
- Exhibit stand with opportunity to display brand signage and demonstrate products
- A web link from the FOCAPO-CPC 2023 homepage to your company’s website Second choice of opportunity to print logo on the conference promotional item
- Company’s brochure in registration materials
- Two (2) complimentary standard registrations to the conference
- Your company’s name as a “Gold Sponsor” will be prominently displayed on a banner
Silver Sponsorship - $10,000
- Exhibit stand with opportunity to display brand signage and demonstrate products
- A web link from the FOCAPO-CPC 2023 homepage to your company’s website
- Company’s brochure in registration materials
- One (1) complimentary standard registration to the conference
- Your company’s name as a “Silver Sponsor” will be prominently displayed on a banner
Bronze Sponsorship - $5,000
- A web link from the FOCAPO-CPC 2023 homepage to your company’s website
- Company’s brochure in registration materials
- One (1) complimentary standard registration to the conference
- Your company’s name as a “Bronze Sponsor” will be prominently displayed on a banner
Other sponsorships may be available.
For questions and additonal sponsorship information, send an email to
Robin Craven
FOCAPO/CPC Conference Manager